Footwear is the originally serves to
purpose of protection against adversities of the environment because of the
ground texture and temperature. Footwear is refers to warm on the feet,
footwear in the manner of the shoe. The footwear can also be used for fashion
as well as to indicate the status or rank of the person within a social cultures we have different type of the customs regarding footwear.
The cultures footwear we knot using some time are some situations. The footwearcan however also be imposed on specific individuals to place them at a
practical disadvantage against shoe of people, they are excluded from having
footwear available or prohibited from using any, footwear using the
since earliest human history it is finds of complete shoes date back to the copper
age. The Some ancient civilization, such as Greece they saw no practical need
for footwear due to convenient climatic and landscape situation and used shoes
primarily as insignia of power.
Basically the footwear made up with leather or plastic and rubber
.the leather was one of the original materials used for the first versions of a
footwear. The soles can be made of with rubber or plastic,some times having a
sheet of metal inside. Roman sandals had sheets of metal on their soles so that
it would not bend out of shape .